What Can ROAMEO’s Big Touchscreens Do?
Just About Anything.

Do you remember the first time you saw an iPhone? Crazy, right? It was hard to wrap your head around all the stuff it could do. Would people really use their phones for all that? Thirteen short years later, there’s little we don’t use our phones for. The only limiting factor is the imagination of app developers.

Get ready for a “deja vu all over again.”

Meet ROAMEO. He’s unlike anything you’ve ever seen. Nearly 7 feet tall, 700 pounds, laden with security technology and two huge touch screens, ROAMEO looks as much like a prototypical security robot as that first iPhone resembled its flip phone predecessors. And guess what? You may have a hard time wrapping your head around all the things ROAMEO can do.

ROAMEO is more than just a robot; he’s a security services provider in every sense of the word. Part security guard, part complex electronic security system, part concierge, ROAMEO does it all. He’s packed to the gills with hardware and AI-assisted software capable of patrolling properties, identifying intruders, scanning license plates, checking employee and visitor badges, providing close-up and wide-area surveillance, and much more. Heck, soon he will be able to launch his own tethered drone to provide visual surveillance from 40 feet up.

But it’s his huge 21” touchscreens that really open up the possibilities. Kind of like your smartphone, they’re a tabula rasa, primed to support any type of app. Need help from a human security officer? A single touch opens up a live video chat with a trained security professional. Seeking directions? ROAMEO can pull up a site directory and interactive map to help you navigate to your destination. Need emergency services? Done. ROAMEO is built to support any number of customized applications appropriate for where he’s deployed and what services are needed.

Imagine ROAMEO patrolling the exterior of a casino complex. In addition to his role as a security monitor and crime deterrent, ROAMEO could offer a wide array of guest services. Patrons could view restaurant menus and make dinner reservations. They could see a schedule of the day’s performances and lounge locations. Arriving hotel guests could check to see if their room is ready before choosing to unload their luggage and heading to the registration desk. Property management could post notifications about site policies or warnings about scheduled construction. Advertisers could use the screens to promote their products and services.

Or, imagine ROAMEO patrolling an airport parking structure. His screens could display real time information on flight gates, flight status and projected TSA wait times. Travelers could request assistance with their luggage. They could view a directory of stores and restaurants. Maybe they could even pre-order a restaurant meal for delivery at their gate.

Imagine. Imagine. Imagine. Sports arenas, loading docks, shopping malls, construction sites, ports, utilities, and amusement parks … the services ROAMEO can deliver are as diverse as the locations where he may be deployed. By leveraging and continually updating his AI technology, he offers capabilities far beyond those of traditional security guards, along with the ability to connect immediately with highly-trained officers as needed. ROAMEO breaks the mold for security, facility and concierge services, just like the iPhone revolutionized our concept of what a mobile phone should be. It didn’t take long for those little screens in our pockets to transition from novelties to necessities. Within the manned-guarding industry, we’re expecting nothing less from ROAMEO.